Our Impact

We’re creating a future where health justice is achieved for all people living with or at risk for HIV. Here is a snapshot of ways our work impacts our communities.

Impact and services provided annually

27,000+ individuals served

20,000 clients (estimated) provided harm reduction services

54,746 doses of Narcan distributed

More than 12,000 substance use treatment clinical visits

2,945 hepatitis C tests provided

3,100 clients receiving PrEP

480 people receiving housing subsidies

7,378 clients received sexual health services

In 2023, San Francisco AIDS Foundation became a leading provider of Doxy PEP, a new strategy to reduce transmission of bacterial STIs, with more than 2,300 enrolled in the program in the first year.

More about our impact

PrEP Enrollment

We enrolled 908 people on PrEP in 2023; and maintained approximately 3,100 clients in our PrEP program. More than half of people (60%) accessing PrEP are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).

STI prevention

We enrolled 2,381 clients on Doxy PEP in 2023, a medication which reduces the transmission of bacterial STIs including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Viral suppression among long-term HIV survivors

Among our clients age 50 and over, more than 91% are engaged in medical care and are virally suppressed. This exceeds city-wide targets for viral suppression.

66% of Stonewall project participants supported in reaching their goals

The Stonewall Project is a substance use and harm reduction program designed to support individuals to improve their health and well-being. Clients create goals that are specific to their lives, be it improvement in their sexual health, reduction or change in their use, or change in how their substance use impacts their lives. Last year, we helped nearly all of our clients reach their goals, during more than 12,000 clinical visits.

PROP reaches new clients to reduce meth use

Positive Reinforcement Opportunity Program (PROP) is a contingency management program that offers people who use methamphetamine and other stimulants the opportunity to earn gift cards for non-reactive urine screens in addition to harm reduction substance use support. Last year, the program helped 254 clients reach their goals around reducing, changing, or stopping their substance use.

Overdose prevention and response

Last year, we distributed 54,746 doses of Narcan, an overdose prevention medication, to clients and community members. We trained 13,523 people on how to use Narcan and respond to overdose, and 6,893 overdoses were reversed by SFAF-trained individuals.

Syringe pick-ups across San Francisco

Our Syringe Pick Up Crew responded to reports of improperly disposed of syringes across San Francisco, picking up and disposing of 41,574 syringes last year.

HCV treatment successes

Last year, we engaged people with high-level support for HCV testing, insurance and benefits navigation, weekly support groups and onsite storage lockers for medication. We conducted a total of 2,945 HCV tests, 45 clients started HCV treatment, and 19 achieved SVR12 (a cure).

...appreciate the empathy and treating us like people, especially in moments of stress, anxiety, and panic.
Stonewall client