
California 2019 Policy Updates

As the year draws to a close, we wanted to share how our HIV Advocacy Network created real wins for our community during this legislative session.

As the year draws to a close, we wanted to share how advocates like you created real wins for our community during this legislative session. The list below shows the status of each of our priority bills in the state legislature.

Expand Access to PrEP & PEP - SB 159

Expand access to PEP and PrEP across California by allowing pharmacists to administer PrEP & PEP without a prescription and prohibit insurance companies from requiring prior authorization.

Outcome Status: VICTORY!

Passed by both chambers of the state legislature and signed by the governor. This first-in-the-nation law will go into effect January 2020 and pharmacy sales should be available in July 2020.

Overdose Prevention Site - AB 362

Allow San Francisco to pilot an overdose prevention site and save lives by preventing overdose and the transmission of HIV and hepatitis C.


Passed the Assembly this year and goes to the Senate next year. Oakland asked to be added so we’re working to include them while not losing momentum in San Francisco.

Sex Worker Rights - SB 233

Provide protections for sex workers and ensure that the possession of condoms isn’t used to criminalize sex workers.

Outcome Status: VICTORY!

Passed by both chambers of the state legislature and signed by the governor. This law will go into effect in January 2020.


Increase access to health care by removing citizenship requirements from Medi-Cal and allowing undocumented people in our communities to access Medi-Cal.


These bills are now two-year bills and will be continued into the next year.

This year, we mobilized over 60 advocates from across the state to talk to legislators about our budget priorities and the need for a strategic plan to end the HIV, hepatitis C and STD epidemics in California during our End the Epidemics Day of Action in Sacramento. We also mobilized advocates for Equality California’s LGBT Advocacy Day. We talked about the need to protect sex workers, expand access to PEP & PrEP, fight to open the nation’s first overdose prevention site and expand access to Medi-Cal to our undocumented community.

Interested in getting more involved? Text RESIST to the number 52886 to sign up for breaking policy updates and urgent opportunities to take action!

About the author

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

San Francisco AIDS Foundation promotes health, wellness and social justice for communities most impacted by HIV through sexual health and substance use services, advocacy, and community partnerships. Each year more than 21,000 people rely on SFAF programs and services, and millions more access SFAF health information online.